Sunday, September 16, 2007

New Instruments.

Yet more youtube material. A bit of a pattern forming. This clip should show a curious little keyboard I bought last weekend. The reason I have decided to post about it is bebecause it is a little different to most other keyboards I've ever encountered. (I had seen one before but it had no batteries in it).

I bought it in a little shopping district (?) on the outskirts of Brno that Soph and I dubbed "little Asia". A collection of stores full of products from the East; food, household goods, clothes and electronics.

I picked up this keyboard as I had seen one at Phil "Weakling & King" Porter's home studio/dodgy stereo lab. His was a different colour. I thought it would be nice to have something to remind me of my friends and also produce some tones without having to programme everything in cubase. It has been used to create some odd, cheap sounding bleeps on my current project; a new 20 minute mix of fresh material for Queen's Radio.

I also picked up a plastic recorder. Again, it isn't in tune with the standard Western scale and so it must be played carefully (lots of wobbly bent notes, half covering holes...) to fit with the rest of the instruments.

In addition to this I have also borrowed my friend's five string fretless bass guitar. Again, more control is required to stop microtonal pitch problems. It's been quite good fun playing instruments again and adding them to the synths and samples I have on my PC. The results are quite pleasing so far. I hope to have the mix completed and ready for the air in a week or so.

There are a lot of different styles and tones in this in comparisson to the previous mixes I've made for them. Fun for fans of many flavours.

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