Barry's electric workshop - update.

Recent new projects underway.
Dry County have given b.e.w some material from their new album. I've been making some extra string parts, drum patterns, and odd rythmic hissing. If they give it the go ahead, these parts may be used on their track ('Take The Stairs') on their new album.
The Vile Bodies have also sent some material. They gave me their track 'But Where's The Coffin?'. So far it has become a dark electro stomp. Echos and rumbles are yet to be added.
Queen's Radio (Belfast University station) have asked for another mix of 20 - 30 minutes of fresh material. This has been started, featuring a tight 140 bpm skip-step rythmn and some samples from an old record 'Behind The Scenes At A Recording Studio'.
Corruptive Records sent a disk with the tracks for The Feline Dream's 'Lull'. It's yet to be fed to the machine as it's just arrived.
The label Dodgy Stereo has been registered on I am sure the track I uploaded can be heard - have a listen if you fancy.
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