Ye Old Hurdy Gurdy - Vintage Radio Museum

A walk around Howth harbour and a walk up a hill.
Lovely weather for a stroll.
Sophie spots a sign. Radio museum.
Make my day?
In among the racks of vintage radios stacked on shelves around the walls there are an array of glass display cases full of all sorts of radiophonic and gramophonic bric-a-brac.

What was intended to be a quick peek turned into an hour of chat and snapping. If only the little camera I have with me had a bit more space in it I could have happily have spent even longer.
It's not just a museum; but also a functional hub of activity for radio-hams, who gather for meetings every weekend. Using radios in the way there were intended to be used. That is to say they are not only to be used to listen to music and talk-shows, but to communicate without wires.

International conversations take place using analogue technology that many may consider to be obsolete. These machines do not crash without a severe kicking. Built in sturdy wooden cases, their soft spots being their valves (tubes: for any Americans that may read) these boxes have lasted a lot longer than many Macs or Intel products a fraction of their weight or dimensions.

Wow. Cool stuff. What an amazing find!
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