Warsaw easter - dodgy stereo still flows...

This may have been linked to my family visiting and wanting to do as much "unwinding" as sigyht seeing.
There were good times had though, including a regular old sing-a-long session with a pair of guitars at Gareths house. Fine things.

More photos of the rather huge amount of stencil graffiti up at flickr. I think I got about 140 new images. So what doesn't go up on flickr will be posted here.
I note that most of the stencils were found rather unsurprisingly near the university area. But they were as was hoped peppered quite liberally around most of the central area of the city too. so my journeys down raods never before travelled were never fruitless.
I am under the impression that some of these images would make interesting t-shirts. But this brings up the problem of ownership.
They are my photos, but to replicate the design would be plagiarism.
Another problem. I don't have the skills to translate all the words. This could be offensive to some, as i have little doubt that quite a number are political. I will spend some time with a dictionary to try to crack this though.
I was also thinking about an exhibition about them, but have no idea who the creators are. This being a "guerilla art" type of thing, where the people who put them up on the walls are often anonymous. However i have noticed that a good number have recurring themes, such as "grupa relaks" which have plenty of other representatives on flickr.
Others have a visual stamp - a little like three vertical marks with crosses on top of them. Another tag-team? How do I seach for that online?
How does one interview the makers of these marks?
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